We are holding a Scholastic Travelling Book Fair in school next week. Every book on sale will be half the marked price, and every book sold will help us to earn free books for school.
Payments can be made online using a QR code or by cash.
Our Reading Ambassadors have been invited to help run the Book Fair, letters will be sent home with them today.
We are also running a competition giving the chance for 5 children to win a £5 voucher to spend at the Fair.
Competition sheets ‘Design a Cover for your Favourite Book’ can be collected from the class teacher or the office.
All entries will need to be received by the morning of Monday 4th December so don't delay collecting a form if you would like to enter!
The sale will be in the Garden Room, entrance on the KS1 playground near the ICT Suite, at the following times:
Monday 4th December 3.15pm
Tuesday 5th December 8.30am until 8.50am and 3.15pm
Wednesday 6th December 8.30am until 8.50am and 3.15pm
Thursday 7th December 8.30am until 8.50am and 3.15pm
Friday 8th December 8.30am until 8.50am and 3.15pm