Dear Howley families,

I hope you all had a wonderful summer. I cannot tell you how lovely it has been to welcome our children back to school. I don't think I have ever seen our playground quite so busy as it was yesterday morning! 

I went on my usual morning walk around to each class and it was fabulous to see everyone smiling and happy to be back here with their friends and teachers. I am sure the children have all grown an inch or two over the holidays. They all look so smart in their uniforms-thank you for your support with these, especially during such challenging financial times. 

I must also officially say hello to our new Reception children and their families who have joined us yesterday and today. They too have settled brilliantly and have been busy getting to know their teachers and making new friends. It is such a privilege to welcome you all to our Howley family.

Some of you may remember that OFSTED visited us in June.  We now have the report to share with you all. There is much for our school community to be proud of-the recognition that we all work together for our children really sums Howley up and speaks volumes about the strong relationships between our staff, children and families. My deepest thanks go to every member of our school community for your support not only throughout the inspection, but more importantly each and every day.  We always strive to provide our children with the very best care and education. Our development points are a continuation of the journey we are on. We will be working on these, and other improvements, throughout what I am sure will be an exciting and successful year ahead!

Thank you all once again, 

Miss Lewis

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