Howley Grange Newsletter 6th October 2023
Dear Howley families,
I hope everyone is keeping happy and well.
Welcome to the first of our new look newsletters. We always have so much to tell you about so our admin team thought a regular newsletter would be better than lots of different emails (I also think they have the ulterior motive of making me stop writing my somewhat lengthy emails)!
The start of this term has really flown by, and we are now fully 'back in the swing' of day-to-day school with everyone working so incredibly hard. Our children continue to amaze and impress us with their positive attitudes to all they do. We are looking forward to sharing how they have settled into their new classes and their learning with yourselves in our forthcoming Parents' Evenings. As many of you know, since COVID, we have been offering a combination of face-to-face and phone call appointment times and we will continue to do so as your feedback shows how popular this has been.
On Tuesday 17th October all classes will be operating face-to-face appointment times between 15.45 and 17.30.
On Thursday 19th October all classes, with the exception of 1KW, will be operating phone call appointment times between 16.45 and 18.20. For 1KW families, these appointments will be offered for Monday 16th October as Mrs Wolstencroft will be busy with her Forest School club on Thursday.
Appointments will be bookable through the School Life App. Shortly, you will receive a message letting you know when the booking system opens and will be able to select either a face-to-face or phone call appointment at a time that suits. As ever, if there are no available times for the appointment type you would prefer, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate.
There are some exciting school and PTA activities coming up over the next few weeks and months. Our brilliant PTA are always looking for volunteers, so please have a read of the poster below and don’t be afraid to get in touch if you think you would like to help out at an upcoming event. They are such a welcoming, friendly group who make such a difference for our children. I know they would love to hear from you no matter how much or little time you can give.
I can see that my ‘little bit’ of the newsletter is already growing longer and longer so I think I’d better leave it there for now! However, I can’t sign off without thanking everyone for their continued support and wishing you all a lovely weekend, rumour has it that we are expecting a little bit of sunshine, so please enjoy.
Best wishes to you all,
Miss Lewis
Macmillan Coffee Morning
We would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone that supported our Macmillan Coffee Morning this week-a total of £297.94 was raised for such a worthy cause. It was wonderful to see so many relatives enjoying hot drinks and cake alongside our year 5 and 6 children, who were incredibly mature and polite. It is always a joy to see our community unite, whether that be through donations sent in, in the form of cakes and money, or in attendance.
As always, thank you for your continued support.

Anti-Bullying Week 2023: Make A Noise About Bullying
Anti-Bullying Week 2023 is coordinated in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. This year it has the theme 'Make A Noise About Bullying' and will take place from Monday 13th to Friday 17th November. At school we will kick off the week with Odd Socks Day on Monday 13th November, where adults and children wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique (no donation needed). The children will then be taking part in activities throughout the week to explore the anti-bullying theme.
This year, the Anti-Bullying Alliance have put together a parent pack designed to help parents start a conversation with children about bullying, provide advice and offer activities. The link for the pack is below if this is something you would like to have a look at.
Anti-Bullying Week 2023 - Parent Pack FINAL.pdf (
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss J Adams
(PSHE Lead)
In the next few weeks, children will be celebrating the Harvest Festival. We are asking for donations of non-perishable food items such as tins, dried pasta, rice etc. as well as toiletries e.g. toilet rolls, shampoo and toothpaste. All donations will be donated to Manna House Pantry, a local pantry, located in Blackheath, which has already helped over 300 members living in the local area save money on their weekly food bill and was hugely appreciated last year. Something which I’m sure we could all benefit from given the current cost of living. For further information, please click on the following link: .
Please could we ask that children bring in any donations and give them to their class teachers by Monday 6th November 2023.
Flu Vaccinations
Vaccination UK will be in school on Friday 27th October. It is really important that all parents complete the E-Consent form at this link even if you wish to decline the vaccine:
Vaccination UK Immunisation (
If you do have issues with the E-consent link, please contact Vaccination UK on 01384 431712 or you can request paper consent forms via
PTA Christmas Cards
Children in Years 1-6 should have brought home a Christmas Card form. This is an optional activity but is a lovely opportunity for children to create their very own festive image for Christmas cards to send to family and friends.
Reception children will complete their designs at a craft afternoon on Monday 16th October, details have already been sent out by email.
Once your child has completed their Christmas Card design, please return to the main office reception no later than Thursday 12th October. There can be no extension to this deadline, as we will be going to print on Monday 16th October. Spare forms are available at the office.
Thankyou in advance for your support. All profits raised from the Christmas Card orders will go towards funding the refurbishment of the School Hall.