Dear Howley families,
I hope you are all keeping well.
It has certainly been a busy few weeks since our last newsletter. This week has been particularly enjoyable with our Easter celebrations. Thank you all for entering the spirit by making wonderful bonnets and the most imaginative Easter eggstravaganza creations. I truly do not know how you come up with all of the ideas. It was brilliant to see so many of you at our Early Years Easter singalong too. Our children have worked really hard since returning after the Christmas break and are all heading home with a little something today. (I am very aware that some of these may well have disappeared by the time the children leave our playground!)
I do have some bittersweet news to share with you. At the end of the Summer term, we will be saying our goodbyes to Mr Davis. He is doing such a tremendous job here at Howley and I know we will all miss him when he leaves us. However, he has such an exciting adventure ahead as he begins teaching in Australia of all places! To say many of us are envious is an understatement, but we are glad that we still have Mr Davis with us for another term.
I would like to thank our staff team, families and of course our fantastic children for another super term here at Howley. The generosity of our school community never fails to astound me. Together, we raised a huge £403 for Comic Relief. What an amazing figure which I am sure will help so many less fortunate than ourselves. It truly demonstrates that the ‘care’ aspect of our school values is so incredibly important to every member of our Howley family. Thank you all so much.
Whatever plans you may have for the Easter break, I wish you every happiness and look forward welcoming everyone back on Monday 8th April.
Sending my very best to you all,
Miss Lewis

No Shelf Control
The latest edition of No Shelf Control is now available to view here. You can find other recommendations for books to read along with information to support your child with their reading on the English page on the school website.
Scooters and Bikes
To help keep everyone safe at drop-off and pick-up times, please do not allow your child to ride their scooters and bikes around the playgrounds.
Mothers' Day
Thank you for you attendance at our recent Mothers’ Day event, I hope the grown-ups that joined us in school enjoyed their cake and listening to the songs the children had been learning as well as hearing why the children love you! One of my favourites had to be: “I love my Mum because she cooks me bacon sandwiches!” (followed by a lick of their lips!) I know the children certainly enjoyed welcoming you in school.
Symphony Hall
Well done to our school choir, the cornet players and the ukulele players, who represented school so brilliantly at the Symphony Hall recently. I hope the parents in the audience enjoyed it as much as the staff who accompanied them on the day, we were very proud of them! What an amazing experience for everyone involved! We can hope they continue to be confident to “Make their own kind of music, even if nobody else sings along!”

Year 3 Trip
On Monday 4th March year 3 visited the Botanical Gardens to take part in some investigations about plants. We also explored the gardens to find special or unusual plants. We recorded our findings in booklets.
Reception Chicks
We have recently welcomed new life into the Reception unit-the children were in awe as they watched the eggs hatch! We currently have 6 chicks, who we are looking after. They are helping us learn across the EYFS curriculum and are very cute and certainly keeping us entertained, especially the first one that hatched-it’s very mischievous!
Thank You from Year 4
Thank you to all the year four parents and grandparents who helped us with our DT sewing project last Friday. It was lovely to see so many faces and the children's creations were fantastic.
New Menu for the Summer Term
Bookings are now open for school meals in the Summer term via the teachers2parents app. The three-week menus are below. AiP have two special menu days - 30th April (Superhero Day) and 16th May (Harry Potter Day) - and the menu for these dates can also be found below.

Food Hub Blackheath
The next distribution of food hampers for anyone in need will take place on Saturday 30th March - 1 hour (11am-12pm).