Dear Howley families,
The festive spirit has certainly arrived here at Howley-you can feel the excitement levels beginning to rise as we near the end of this term and look forward to our Christmas break. I would like to give Garry Lee of Greenleevs in Blackheath and Sandvik in Halesowen a special mention for kindly donating our Christmas tree again this year. It looks magnificent!
Our Upper Years children had a great cinema evening last week and we still have our Magical Christmas Adventure for our younger children to come! These events wouldn’t happen without the efforts and hard work of our PTA and I send my deepest thanks to everyone who has given their time and energy to ensure our children have fun together.
Earlier this week, we said ‘goodbye for now’ to Mrs Bradley who has now started her maternity leave. I know you will join me in wishing her and her family well as they await the arrival of their new little one. Mrs Adams will be joining us in the new year to teach Mrs Bradley’s class. She will be visiting us on Monday and I know you will all warmly welcome her to our school.
As I write, Reception are busy practising for their Nativity performance next week, and years 1-6 are raising the roof with their songs as they prepare for the singalong. There is nothing more special than seeing our school community come together to celebrate special times. I do hope you are able to join us for these events.
Thank you for your continued support. Wishing you all a lovely weekend,
Miss Lewis
Playground Safety Reminders
May we ask for your support again in helping to keep all of our school community safe on our site:
- no dogs (except for registered assistance dogs)
- no riding bikes or scooters on the playground or driveway
Thank you.
Junior PCSOs
Our Junior PCSO team have now completed their training with PCSO and have done an amazing job of representing the school. During their sessions they have not only learnt a lot but have also completed a traffic safety walk and a litter pick. We are all very proud of what they have done and look forward to the work they will do in the future.

Dates for the Diary
Saturday 7th December – PTA Magical Adventure (Reception, Year 1 & Year 2) ticketed event, sold out
Monday 9th December - Reception Christmas performance for parents – 2pm
Tuesday 10th December – Year 1 Trip
Thursday 12th December – Christmas singalong Years 1 – 6, parents invited, gates open 2.30pm
Thursday 12th December - Christmas Jumper Day (no donation necessary)
Tuesday 17th December - Choir visit a.m.
Tuesday 17th December - Year 3 Christmas craft afternoon
Wednesday 18th December – Christmas lunch
Thursday 19th December – Last day of term for children
Friday 20th December – INSET day (school closed for children)
Monday 6th January 2025 – First day of term – school open for children

DPA Direct Lessons in School
Parents can sign up for DPA Direct lessons for the Spring term, starting January, by clicking on the below link.
For more information please visit DPA's website www.dudley.gov.uk/dpa