Dear Howley families,
Happy New Year to you all. Despite being a little challenging temperature wise, our start back to school has been a busy and successful one. The children have settled straight back into school life and enjoyed catching up with their friends and teachers.
We have some lovely news to share, just before the break, Mrs Bradley and her family celebrated the arrival of their new baby. I am glad to report everyone is happy and well. On Monday, Mrs Adams (not to be confused with Miss Adams in year 4!) will be joining the year one team. I know you will all give her a warm Howley welcome.
We have much to look forward to this term, please have a look at the dates below for more information. Keep warm, stay well and let’s hope for some higher temperatures this week!
Best wishes,
Miss Lewis
Primary School Admissions September 2025
Dudley School Admissions have asked us to remind you that if you have a child born between 1 Sept 2020 and 31 August 2021, please ensure you have applied for a primary school place by 15th January 2025. You should to apply to your home local authority, and the links for on-line applications are below:
Dudley: www.dudley.gov.uk/admissions
Sandwell: Apply for a school place | Sandwell Council

Term Dates
Spring Term 2025
Wednesday 29th January: Year 5 trip
Monday 17th – Friday 21st February: Half term
Thursday 6th March: World Book day
Friday 21st March: Comic Relief Day
Monday 31st March: Year 4 Trip
Friday 11th April: Term ends
Summer Term 2025
Monday 28th April: Term begins
Monday 5th May: May Day bank holiday
Monday 26th – Friday 30th May: Half term
Friday 18th July: Term ends
Monday 21st July: INSET day (school closed for children)
There is still one INSET day to be set, date to be confirmed